Part of our vision for building Anthropos is that the world of work is rapidly changing both for companies and employees. While work coincides with purpose and motivation for many of us, our relationship with it has changed and new generations are pushing companies to rethink how they hire and develop their people. The problem is that there is little you can read about it as an employee or a manager. The world of work is full of taboos and things that people are uncomfortable discussing.

Last Monday we sent to our members of Anthropos the first issue of Working Wonders: a newsletter we plan to send twice a month to talk about work in a new way. Working Wonders is less about telling you what and how, and more about stimulating your thoughts and suggesting new ways of looking at your career, no matter who you are and what you do in your working life.

Emma is the author of Working Wonders and the person that will guide us in this journey, here is how she presented Working Wonders in the first issue:

I have just embarked on a new adventure at Anthropos and now I am ready to be your travel companion in a whimsical journey through the world of work! We are starting this project with the aim of looking at the world of work in a new, a little bit witty, and hopefully helpful way. Our ideal readers? Those out there who are looking for a job, loving their job, hating their job, getting ready for their first job, trying to change their job, wanting to be the best at their job… in a nutshell, anyone!

In short though, the thing is: the world of work is fascinating but sometimes it’s complex, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it makes us feel insecure and clueless, some others it’s just amazing to think of what a job can do to enrich our lives. If you are reading this, it means you signed up on Anthropos. Probably you wish to find the job of your dreams, or maybe you want to take full control of your career, whether you just stepped into this world or you’ve been there many years.

We will be talking about several aspects of the world of work, and we will make it interesting for you no matter your job. It doesn’t matter if you are a manager, an executive, or a student looking for your first job.

This is an extract from the first issue of Working Wonders:

The second issue of Working Wonders is scheduled for July 24, subscribe now and let us know what you think!




A blog to rethink work and career

This blog wants to help you understanding how to improve your career, acquire new skills, move to new industries and in general, how to deal with your job and think about it in your career context.

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A place to talk about work

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