In the last few posts I’ve explained how our vision at Anthropos is to help people and companies take better care of their professional paths. Our vision is much bigger but we need to start somewhere and we decided to start where we all start while looking for a new job: applying for it!

Today we are officially launching 1-click apply, our first product in Anthropos designed to help you autofill job applications and apply for jobs saving hours of work.

Why did we build a Chrome Extension to autofill job applications?

Because applying for jobs is incredibly time consuming. And because of that people apply to fewer jobs to what they should do, spending more time finding a new job.

If you work full-time, this means you spend months moving to a new company.

Companies do their best to ask you what they need to select your profile, but in the process they end up asking again a lot of information and questions that slow you down.

We have build 1-click Apply to solve this problem for those people that want to apply to multiple job applications every day and don’t have hours to do it.

Applying to multiple jobs is vital in today’s world: companies are using more and more technology to automatically screen candidates based on keywords, resume and other parameters AND they sometimes have junior people reviewing applications. The combination of these two means that being selected for a position is harder than before and you need to apply to more and more job applications to get a few interviews. Here I’ve put together a few suggestions of things to do for those positions you really love…but we did not find a way to automate this yet :)

How you can autofill job applications with 1-click apply

Using 1-click Apply is not only easy but 100% free. You just need to go to our page, download the Chrome extension and fill out your profile using either LinkedIn or uploading you CV.

Using AI and GPT to make your applications better

1-click Apply uses GPT by OpenAI to answer open questions in your applications. We are still in the early days, but so far our software is able to reply to open questions even with a little set of information about the user.

We are constantly improving our software to make sure we can answer questions in the most natural way possible while also providing answers that you can easily modify and complete for your applications.

Your Profile, CV and LinkedIn account

Curating your profile in Anthropos, adding more information into your resume and on your LinkedIn account really help us creating a better “profile” for you in our system and accelerate your autofill. That’s how our AI works: we collect as much information as possible about your experience, skills and other info to be able to answer questions automatically.

What’s next

In the next weeks we are planning to focus on a few improvements for 1-click apply including:

  • Support for more ATS so that you can really use it everywhere
  • Improve our AI abilities with better and more precise answers
  • Add a set of new functionalities to help you answer the same questions you see in your applications over and over with our help

If you are using 1-click Apply or if you have feedback for us, we would love to hear from you at

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