For Individuals / For Companies
This feature is available for Anthropos Personal and Anthropos Enterprise.

A complete career profile for every employee
From past experiences to highlighted skills
Our career profiles provide an extensive view of your workforce, enabling your company to comprehend and cultivate talent. Within Anthropos, every employee possesses a profile loaded with skills, experiences, projects, hobbies, connections, and goals.

100% powered by skills
Use Skills to spot strengths, project connections, and trends across your entire workforce.
Skills are central to our career profiles. Anthropos AI efficiently identifies employees’ skills through their profiles. Our technology automatically tags experiences, projects, and positions with skills, considering the role, industry, and time spent.

Import data in minutes
We import data from resumes, LinkedIn and your internal systems.
You can onboard your employees in minutes and connect Anthropos to your systems to import all the data. The process is fully managed and included in our pricing.