Hey Wonderers,
Guess what? A new week, a challenging topic to discuss.

At my workplace, we’ve entered the much-dreaded period of performance reviews. The whole company, managers, and employees alike, are busy evaluating the past year’s work. I’ve never worried much about meeting my goals, thanks to my job aligning with my strengths, and my habit of seeking constant feedback during the year. However, what makes me most anxious during this crucial time is asserting my worth, ensuring that I make the most of my accomplishments, and that my manager recognizes them.

I am sure I am not alone out there, right?!

By now you’ve probably noticed that when I’m unsure about something, I turn into a full-on investigator.

Last week, with performance reviews coming and the chance to score a raise or promotion on the horizon, I reached out to some of my wiser former and current colleagues, and I asked them for tips on how to chat with my boss about my ambitions and how to turn my performance reviews into productive, rewarding conversations.

Here’s what I learned from them:

📚 Prepare in Advance 
Nearly everyone suggested creating a checklist of your big wins, successful projects, and the things you’ve nailed. Be ready to share specific stories that show how your work has been a game-changer for the company. If discussing these topics makes you uncomfortable, practice your communication skills. Rehearse what you want to say and anticipate potential questions or objections your boss may have. The more prepared and confident you are, the smoother the chat!

🎯 Set Clear Objectives
Defining clear career goals and objectives is a must. You are the one who should have a vision for your career. Don’t expect your manager to lay it all out for you. Share these dreams with your manager and discuss how your current role aligns with your aspirations. It’s like creating your own success map!

📈 Link Achievements to Company Goals
Highlight how your wins have supercharged the company’s goals and growth. Showcase how your work helped meet targets and aligned with the company’s mission and values. And you notice a gap in your achievements, do not panic. This is the perfect time to say, “I want to do better,” and ask for some guidance.

💰 Be Proactive About Compensation
This one’s a bit tricky for me, but it’s a must-do.Everyone, especially the most senior people I talked to, said, “Don’t wait – go for it!” Do some research to figure out what’s the norm in your industry and use that info to back up your request. Be brave, be confident, and ask for what you rightfully deserve.

🧑‍💻 Seek Professional Development Opportunities
Sometimes it’s not all about the money. Professional growth is just as cool. So, chat about opportunities to sharpen your skills and level up. Lots of companies offer training – and sometimes they even foot the bill for courses you’re itching to take. Being eager to learn is a win!

Remember that your performance review is a two-way conversation. It’s not just your boss evaluating you – it’s your time to share your dreams, wins, and goals.

By following these suggestions and actively participating in your performance review discussions, I really think we can ensure that our hard work is duly recognized, and we’re on the path to achieving our career goals. I will let you know how it went for me! In the meantime, don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and your professional growth – you’ve earned it. 💪

Crossing my fingers for me and you, and looking forward to speaking to you again in Working Wonders, Issue #9! 🚀


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About the author

Emma Vargas

Young professional by day, aspiring wordsmith by night. I’m Emma Vargas, your go-to gal for all things work, personal growth, professional development, and career adventures. I may not have decades of experience, but I’ve got a lifetime of curiosity.
Let’s explore the world of careers together, one candid conversation at a time! 🌟 💼 ✨ #WorkingWonders

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