Here we are! I almost can’t believe this project is happening for real: welcome to Working Wonders, Issue #2.

Hi everyone! This is Emma typing away at the keyboard. I hope you’re all geared up for an exciting new week, whether you’re in pursuit of your dream job or already doing something you love.

I must admit, I was very surprised by the response to the first issue of Working Wonders. So many people read the newsletter and recommended it to others (you can do that by suggesting your friends to sign up here).

Besides the thrill of knowing that people from all around the world are reading my thoughts, this whole “being-a-newsletter-author” got me thinking about something: writing is something I’m super passionate about. Technically, though, it has never been my official job—I’m not a journalist or a writer by profession, and I never studied to become one. However I realized that, somehow, I always ended up engaged in projects that allowed me to indulge in this passion. Perhaps, the very reason I always found myself writing – emails, company policies, articles and more – was that I genuinely love it.

Today, a gloomy Monday from where I am writing, I want to tap into your thoughts on this: can we turn our passion into a real job? Is it an exclusive opportunity reserved for the fortunate few, or is it something we can all aspire to achieve?

Okay, but give us the answers!!!

Well, you’re asking for it! Get ready for my first philosophical ramble. 

As I take my steps into the world of work, I am increasingly convinced that while only a few people can say they knew exactly what they wanted to be from a young age and followed that path, many others discover their passion or calling gradually, experience after experience, and job after job.

For sure you’re going to find a gazillion articles online with inspiring tips on how to turn your passion into a job. However, in my opinion, the real game-changer lies in something simple: pay attention to what makes your eyes sparkle—not only during work but even when you’re supposedly off-duty. You know, those quirky activities that make you lose track of time, leaving you glued to your PC at 8 in the evening! Embrace those, because that’s where the magic lies: those are the things that make you feel alive and purposeful.

These passions can often manifest in small ways. For instance, I discovered my love for writing through crafting summary emails after meetings, and step by step, I realized that finding imaginative ways to communicate was not only pleasing but also had the potential for career growth. Moreover, when we work passionately on something, we often achieve better than average results. The result is also that our bosses will finally –and hopefully– notice it and keep entrusting us with more and more related tasks. But hey, don’t worry: you don’t have to find something monumental right away, not everyone can say they love space and can then become an astronaut. Sometimes you just don’t have a passion like that. Just grab those clues, connect the dots, and prepare for the adventure!

I know this may sound easier said than done, but that’s all it really takes: being on the lookout for what gives you purpose and going for it. This was the only suggestion I ever received – back when I was at uni – that didn’t make me feel clueless. Moreover, it remains incredibly true and applicable every day, even now.

Now, I’m curious about your experiences! Have you ever considered turning your passion into a job? Or perhaps, it’s already happening? Let me know—I’m eager to hear from you! It would be great to ask someone who was able to base their entire career on their passion, maybe I’ll get an interview with them and write a newsletter about it.

See you in a couple of weeks with Working Wonders, Issue #3!



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  • October 27th, 20236 min

    Welcome to the first issue of Working Wonders, our newsletter dedicated to the world of work! This is Emma, young professional by day, writer by night, and curious and frank observer of anything somehow related to personal and professional development. We are starting this project with the aim of looking at the world of work in a new, a little bit witty, and hopefully helpful way. In this first issue we’re looking at a paradox: is it better to be in a job you hate or not having a job at all?


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About the author

Emma Vargas

Young professional by day, aspiring wordsmith by night. I’m Emma Vargas, your go-to gal for all things work, personal growth, professional development, and career adventures. I may not have decades of experience, but I’ve got a lifetime of curiosity.
Let’s explore the world of careers together, one candid conversation at a time! 🌟 💼 ✨ #WorkingWonders

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