Happy happy Monday, Working Wonders Crew! 🌟

I get it, starting all cheery might feel a bit odd, especially since today, for many of us, it’s that tricky first Monday after a well-deserved summer break. But guess what? Every great story has to start somewhere, right? So here we are, taking on this Monday like champs!

I hope going from relaxation mode to work mode hasn’t been too rough. And hey, big props if you managed to take a break from screens while enjoying your time off. Speaking of that, what’s your squad like? Are you the Jedi master of shutting down your laptop and ghosting your phone, or are you the all-time online champ, no matter what?

Now, let me be honest: I might just be the leader of the “Struggle Bus” when it comes to unplugging. No shame in admitting it. Truth is, this year I simply decided to postpone my vacations:  I need to be in a peaceful place to truly unwind and this summer I wasn’t feeling like that. I’d probably go a bit crazy knowing my work pals needed me or coming back to a ton of tasks that piled up while I was away trying to have fun.

You can call me a bit crazy, but I’ve been on vacations where I’m kind of working and kind of not, tied to my email like a ball and chain. Imagine a vacation where you’re only half enjoying yourself and half typing stressed-out emails. Not exactly a great time, right? But hey, I’ve picked up a few things from those experiences. So, if you’re in the same boat as me – struggling to turn things off even after putting up that “I’m away” message – listen up! And if you’re one of those rare unicorns who can take a break without any worries, just know I’m totally jealous! 🌈 😎

First things first, let’s get something straight: jetting off on vacation doesn’t automatically teleport you to the land of relaxation. If you’re aiming to recharge after a year of hustling, there’s a bit of a strategy involved. If there are projects I’ve got my hands in and I know they won’t survive my absence, taking a vacation becomes more like taking a stress trip. And trust me, I’m not signing up for that rollercoaster.

I’m not saying you need to wait for the universe to align and grant you a vacation-worthy blank space on your calendar. We all know those moments are like unicorns – they rarely exist. I’m talking about those major projects that pop up maybe once or twice a year. They cannot be an excuse for not taking a few days off at all! Try to take a little time out to really think about what it is you really need right now. Is that an holiday? Heck yeah, pack those bags! But then what? That’s the million-dollar question, my friends. 🌴🤔

  • 🔦 Pass the Torch: You have the right to take a break. Let your teammates handle tasks. When they’re off, you’ll return the favor. Just before you go, have a chat with your manager to hand over responsibilities.
  • 🧑‍💻 Tie Up Loose Ends: Finish tasks before leaving to avoid a backlog later. It’ll calm your mind as you prep to leave and save you from a big pile of stuff when you return.
  • 🦸‍♀️ Embrace Reality: You’re important, but not the only hero. I know, it’s a tough pill to swallow, but remember that we’re all replaceable!
  • ⏰ Early Heads-Up: Don’t let your out-of-office message be the first notice folks get about your absence. Give them a heads-up on your vacation dates ahead of time.
  • ❗️Clear Communication: Let your colleagues know they should only bug you for a fire-extinguisher-level emergency. Remind them you’ll do the same for them.
  • 📱🚫 And… the real deal: switch off those phone notifications. Delete the apps you don’t need. Stay strong – out of sight, out of mind!

In the grand finale, remember this: vacations aren’t automatic relaxation pills. If you’re aiming to recharge, plan your break with care. Now, I’m no expert – these steps are easier spoken than done. Even for me, applying these rules is super difficult. But if we don’t do it, our vacations won’t give us the boost we need for the year ahead! 🏖️ 🚀

See you in a couple of weeks with Working Wonders, Issue #5! 🚀



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About the author

Emma Vargas

Young professional by day, aspiring wordsmith by night. I’m Emma Vargas, your go-to gal for all things work, personal growth, professional development, and career adventures. I may not have decades of experience, but I’ve got a lifetime of curiosity.
Let’s explore the world of careers together, one candid conversation at a time! 🌟 💼 ✨ #WorkingWonders

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