Could this be any more accurate?!

Think about it for a second: would you rather being in a job you hate or not having a job at all? Both things are terrible and frankly rather scary. I mean, I wouldn’t know what to choose, but I know for sure I wouldn’t want to be in any of those two situations.

By the way, I am Emma, Anthropos’ new content contributor.
Young professional by day, writer by night, I am a curious and frank observer of anything somehow related to work, and personal and professional development. I am still at that point of life where talking about “my career” still feels a bit excessive – I officially entered the job market way less than a decade ago – but I think you don’t need years of experience to ask yourself the right questions about work, and above all, to look for the best answers.

I have just embarked on a new adventure at Anthropos and now I am ready to be your travel companion in a whimsical journey through the world of work! We are starting this project with the aim of looking at the world of work in a new, a little bit witty, and hopefully helpful way. Our ideal readers? Those out there who are looking for a job, loving their job, hating their job, getting ready for their first job, trying to change their job, wanting to be the best at their job… in a nutshell, anyone!

In short though, the thing is: the world of work is fascinating but sometimes it’s complex, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it makes us feel insecure and clueless, some others it’s just amazing to think of what a job can do to enrich our lives. If you are reading this, it means you signed up on Anthropos. Probably you wish to find the job of your dreams, or maybe you want to take full control of your career, whether you just stepped into this world or you’ve been there many years.

Well, step right up, folks, and welcome to the grand opening of “Working Wonders” – the newsletter that takes work to new heights of wit, wisdom, and wonderment! It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, I promise you’ll find interesting stuff here.

But first, a necessary disclaimer: I guarantee this won’t be a boring newsletter trying to force you to buy stuff or get something. I hope you’ll find here useful information or suggestions, maybe even an inspiration, as you approach your first job or as you try to be the best version of your professional self. At least, I hope you won’t feel alone anymore experiencing what’s going on at your work (or as you are looking for one!).

Okay, but what’s this newsletter?

Every other week, I’ll try to share interesting reflections on work-related topics that will make you say, “Wow, I never thought about it that way!“. Prepare for a wild ride as we look into the depths of work dynamics, unravel the mysteries of productivity (or the lack thereof), and dare to question the cosmic enigma of the perfect coffee-to-creativity ratio.

I’ll start from current events, things happening to me or friends, or maybe even from your replies (yes! You can write to me simply replying to this email), and we’ll tray and tackle the joys and frustrations of the professional realm.

And in this first issue we’re looking at a paradox: is it better to be in a job you hate or not having a job at all? So, I was browsing the Internet, and all of a sudden that Tweet appeared. Very simple, yet extremely questioning.

Just the night before reading it, I was having dinner with my best friends from high school and, well, some of us were complaining about our respective jobs. Truth be told, these were teeny-tiny matters in the grand scheme of things: a manager requiring our presence in the office for an extra day every week, dealing with that one annoying colleague… those little things that, despite their smallness, prevent us from truly enjoying the activity that consumes most of our time: work.

Amidst all the self-absorbed rambling, we didn’t realize that one of us at the table had gone quiet for a while. Then, out of the blue, she lifted her head and said, “Guess what? They won’t renew my contract!” In an instant, our own problems diminished into insignificance: not having a job is like a tornado of terror. It’s not simply because of the most obvious reasons—such as being unable to afford food and bills—it’s also about the fact that work often gives purpose to a big chunk of our existence. From that moment onward, the dinner turned into an impromptu workaholics support group. We brainstormed and came up with different strategies to help our friend: call this gal, email that guy, sign up for this and that course… you name it, we mentioned it.

While we’ll go back to the topic of losing a job, now I’d like to focus on another aspect: is it possible to feel as low as when your contract does not get renewed when you actually have a job?

Sure, employment provides stability and a paycheck, but let’s not forget the dark side. A never-ending avalanche of tasks, deadlines lurking around every corner… Even more worrying: the fear of not having a real purpose, the constant pressure to be a productivity superhero, the impression that whatever we do, that’s never enough. There are so many things that might go wrong, so many others that can make us feel miserable, or simply not happy. While for sure I won’t ever say that not having a job is a condition I’d like to experience, I am also certain that we cannot simply turn away from what does not work at our workplace. And this is also why in this newsletter you’ll see me looking for what can make our work—and, yes, probably also our lives—better.

So, dear readers, I’m turning to you for some insight. Can the lows of having a job rival the heartache of a non-renewed contract? Can work make us feel just as low, if not lower? Share your tales, jokes, and maybe even some office-themed memes as we unravel the mysteries of work’s emotional rollercoaster. Let’s uncover the truth!

And see you in a couple of weeks with Working Wonders, Issue #2!


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    For sure you’re going to find a gazillion articles online with inspiring tips on how to turn your passion into a job. However, in my opinion, the real game-changer lies in something simple: pay attention to what makes your eyes sparkle—not only during work but even when you're supposedly off-duty. You know, those quirky activities that make you lose track of time, leaving you glued to your PC at 8 in the evening! Embrace those, because that's where the magic lies: those are the things that make you feel alive and purposeful.


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About the author

Emma Vargas

Young professional by day, aspiring wordsmith by night. I’m Emma Vargas, your go-to gal for all things work, personal growth, professional development, and career adventures. I may not have decades of experience, but I’ve got a lifetime of curiosity.
Let’s explore the world of careers together, one candid conversation at a time! 🌟 💼 ✨ #WorkingWonders

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