
Work defines and inspires our life. It gives us purpose. It drives our future and stay with us on good and bad days. Still, we often spend little time thinking about it and the next steps in our career.

The reality is that the way we work has changed forever. The people you hire are not the ones they used to be and the companies you work for have challenges they never had before. We have seen this firsthand as entrepreneurs and we have decided to spend the next years of our life solving this problem.

Anthropos is our way of reimagining the connection between people and companies as both adapt to this new way of working. People are more ambitious than ever but they are not okay staying in roles and companies that don’t invest in their growth, with values they don’t share. Similarly for companies: skills are changing so rapidly that finding the right people is the biggest investment in their budget while retaining the existing talent is always a trial-and-error process. Our thesis is that both parties could use different solutions to solve this problem.

We are building a career platform that connects people and companies in a modern way. We start with skills to equip companies with a unique solution to retain and develop their workforce. Anthropos wants to be the go-to solution to manage your talent and evolve your business through skills. 

Our platform is constantly evolving with new features and use cases to help our customers, stay tuned and follow the Anthropos’ LinkedIn page to stay up to date.

Stefano and Giacomo

Anthropos Inc. co-founders