What’s new at Anthropos

In this section you can track all the new platform features and content we publish. We believe in moving fast and constantly add more value for our customers. We release new things weekly.

  • Sep 2024


    We made it very simple for enterprise customers to assign AI Simulations or Skill Paths to their people – you can now set a deadline for both. Your people will see the new assignment on their personal dashboard and will receive an email too. This is perfect to automate your upskilling, onboard people or simply plan assessments for several people and teams in your organization.

  • Sep 2024

    Our skill mapping approach is a modern way to automatically map your workforce using our AI technology and our database composed of 60,000+ skills across 18,000 job roles. It’s part of our Anthropos enterprise offer for mid and large organizations and it’s the first step to create a complete visualization of your workforce.

    Our customers have been asking for a better way to not only mapping skills, but also understand how good their employees are at each single one. That’s how our team has developed a new feature called “competency level” that can automatically rate the experience of your employees using a skill.

    Watch this video below to see this new feature in action:

    How automated skills rating works

    Our technology evaluates a set of parameters to automatically assign a value to a skill from 1 to 5. It takes into account in how many experiences the person has used that skill and in which type of experiences. Employees can add new skills and have them immediately estimated by our platform based on their profile and existing skills but they can also correct the estimation with their own selfvaluation. Once you click on a skill – as an employee or manager – you can now see more information about, including the number of work experiences where you have used it or your education.


    In this case the skills has been also verified in an AI Simulations from the Anthropos catalog. It means that I’ve used that exact skills to solve a real problem as part of a scenario (AI Simulations). In my case I gained that verified skill completing a simulation for Product Managers

    We are constantly improving our internal technology so like our overall skill mapping technology, we expect this new feature to improve to evaluate more data to give correct ratings.

    Use skills rating in your business

    Skill ratings are the perfect way to quickly understand who could help for specific tasks and projects inside your organization. All the ratings are shown inside our Workforce Intelligence and in our search results so your managers and admins can quickly find the best people for any type of competence! See an example below for the skill “SEO (Search Engine Optimization)” – it’s easy to spot the best ratings and even someone that has verified that skills in his profile.

    Want to learn more and see how it works for your team? Just request a 14-day demo trial of Anthropos!


  • Sep 2024

    At Anthropos, we’ve long recognized the importance of exploring potential job roles—not just understanding the titles, department names, and requirements, but truly grasping what these positions entail, the skills they demand, and their real-world pros and cons. In fact, we have built the first version of our AI Simulations exactly to let our customers train and test in real-life scenarios.

    In today’s complex organizational landscape, many employees and job seekers find themselves overwhelmed by the formalities of job descriptions, often wondering: “Am I the right fit for this? Do I have the necessary skills? What does this role actually contribute to the organization?”

    Our mission at Anthropos is to bridge that gap. We empower companies and individuals by helping them transform existing skills for specific roles or acquire the precise skills needed to step confidently into new opportunities.

    Today we are doing a first step in this direction publishing a new section called Job Roles – publicly available for all our users and visitors.

    The new Job Roles section at Anthropos to learn and understand what every role is about and the skills required.

    For each Job role we are constantly adding a set of information including:

    • How to become that specific person/title and what that means inside a a company
    • Specifics on what that job requires and what people with that position do in their daily routine
    • Challenges and aspects that are not well known but need to be considered for the job
    • Skills you need and what are the most common paths to get into one of these roles

    We are starting small with 10 roles, but our goal is to have a few hundreds before December and start adding more and more information for each single one.

    The data engineer job role section to learn more about the skills and characteristics of this role

    Use AI Simulations Coach to understand if these are the right roles for you

    As you can see from the images above, we have created a new version of our AI Simulation that we call Coach to get real-time guidance on each job role in our library and talk to someone that can you give you suggestions and ideas to get into that role, considering your existing background. Our AI coach is completely free for every role at the moment and you can use it to answer questions about each job role, learn what are some real examples of you would do and most importantly, what are the skills needed and what is the best way to get there based on your current experience.

    An example of a conversation with my Career Coach for the Data Engineer role.

    What’s next

    We are working on two separate goals:

    1. Add a lot more job roles in the next few months
    2. Make our coaches even smarter and let them see your Anthropos skills and experience in your profile to make sure you can quickly get perfect recommendation even at the start of the coaching session.

    If you try our Job Roles please share feedback with us at support@anthropos.work! We are happy to learn how you are using them and what we can improve.

  • Sep 2024

    In the last few weeks we have published a set of new paths and AI Simulations in our library. The latest one is a dedicated learning path to become back-end developers with a strong focus on using Python. Our Skill Paths are an easy way to quickly learn new skills and roles comparing them to your existing skills and using Anthropos to learn just the ones you need or want to focus on. If you are new to Anthropos, you can sign-up for an individual free account here.

    This path for Back-end Developers has been curated by Chris Koch, the persone behind the famous YouTube channel Clearcode with more than 200,000 subscribers. Chris is a famous author in the world of programming courses, every month more than 500,000 people watch one of his courses on Udemy and Skillshare. In this path Chris has brought his experience with Python and the idea of helping our members learn back-end development step by step with tons of examples and exercises included.

    Who should consider learning back-end development

    Mostly for junior or new software engineers that truly want to understand how back-end development works in today’s market. Learning how to program back-end solutions is actually quite interesting and fulfilling because it forces you to learn about a variety of additional topics like server management, databases, deployment and several other aspects that developers focused on back-end programming really need to use on a daily basis.

    Learning more about back-end development is also useful for front-end developers, full-stack developers and in general for people with strong IT knowledge that are now thinking about transitioning into a software engineering role.

    Why learning back-end development skills

    In today’s digital landscape, back-end development is the backbone of any web application. It’s where the core functionality of an application resides, handling everything from business logic to database interactions and server communications. By mastering back-end development, you’re not only becoming proficient in one of the most critical areas of software engineering but also opening doors to a wide range of opportunities in the tech industry.

    Python, in particular, is an excellent choice for back-end development due to its simplicity, readability, and the vast array of libraries and frameworks available. Whether you’re aiming to build APIs, manage data, or work with complex algorithms, Python provides a robust foundation for all these tasks. Additionally, Python’s popularity ensures a vibrant community and a wealth of resources to support your learning journey.

    For companies, hiring skilled back-end developers who understand Python means they can develop scalable, efficient, and maintainable systems. As a developer, these skills make you more versatile and valuable in the job market, especially in roles where Python is the language of choice for back-end systems, such as in data science, web development, and AI-driven applications.

    How to learn just the skills your need in this path

    If you have already mapped your skills in the Anthropos profile you will immediately notice in the path that Anthropos highlights the skills you already have for this path. You can click on the ones you need to complete to study the related content and make sure you don’t lose time on learning things again.

    Test your back-end development skills with AI Simulations

    As part of Anthropos catalog you can also get access to a selected list of AI Simulations to test your skills while collaborating with other virtual actors. We currently don’t have a simulation dedicated just to back-end development but we have a few AI Simulations specific for software engineers.


  • Apr 2024

    It’s been a while since I posted on our blog and I am finally back to it today. The reason is pretty simple: we have been working hard on advancing our solution at Anthropos and I would like to introduce you to a few new features for our AI Job Simulations technology. As a quick recap, AI Simulations are virtual sandboxes that can be used to test and assess people skills in real-life scenarios. They can collaborate, work and talk to virtual actors while solving specific problems: at the end our technology can automatically evaluate their technical and non technical skills and provide a score with suggestions on where to improve.

    You can see a full demo of our technology in a recent webinar we recorded:

    Screening candidates with AI Job Simulations

    Today we are introducing the ability to use AI Job Simulations to automatically screen your candidates for any job role, task or assignment. How does it work?

    1. Choose from our pre-designed AI Job Simulations or create your own using Anthropos Studio.
    2. Customize or select a scenario that reflects your company’s needs, either by adapting one from our existing library or crafting a new one entirely.
    3. Define the specific tasks candidates must complete and the skills they need to demonstrate.
    4. Utilize our tool to gain insights into and review candidates’ submissions and performance.

    This allows you to automate the screening of 100s of candidates giving them a great experience and most importantly, understanding exactly who would be able to perform in your job position. AI Job Simulations are better than existing screening tools like TestGorilla or others because we can evaluate both soft and tech skills for each candidate and we let you see exactly how that person communicates, interacts and solves problems. Also, you will be able to look at the document they had to submit, the score they got and the level of interaction they have with all the virtual stakeholders of the simulation. If you are curious and want to learn more about how they solved something specific, you can click and look at their chats with the virtual actors.

    This is an example of how you can immediately look at results for all your candidates, filtering by Job Simulations or by candidate – in all cases you

    Using AI Job Simulations for skill-based hiring, automating the review of candidates for soft and hard skills.

    AI Job Simulations to screen candidates automatically and give them a score based on their skills

    Launching AI Job Simulations for roles and skills of any type

    We are currently live with a few AI Job Simulations in our library but we are about to start publishing a lot more. AI Simulations are interactive environments that can simulate just any type of job role, task or situation. They are immersive and designed to help companies screen candidates looking at their skills and abilities in real-life scenarios.

    If you want to try AI Job Simulations you can request a free trial of Anthropos Enterprise for 14 days!