Anthropos FAQs

In this page we are listing some of the most common FAQs related to Anthropos – if you are experiencing issues using our solution or want to learn how to take advantage of all our features, you will likely find an answer here! You can always reach out to us at

General – What is Anthropos?

Anthropos is a new simple solution to take control of your career, inside and outside organizations. We just launched our product and we are currently focused on helping people with their job search – more features are coming monthly. Learn more about us and our vision for Anthropos.

General – What are the advantages of using Anthropos for job searching?

You can apply to 100s of jobs in minutes, with better responses and that gives you more chances to land a job – Anthropos uses artificial intelligence to create applications that really highlight your potential, skills and experience, tailored for every job application.

General – Will companies know I’ve used Anthropos to apply?

Absolutely not. We never communicate it to ATS (Application tracking system). The answers and text created by Anthropos feels natural and it uses your data, skills and experience to make it real. Our team is focused on constantly improving how we use data and generate responses to improve your chances of success.

General – Is Anthropos free?

Anthropos Personal has a free tier and will always be free to create your profile and get access to all our features. Features usage is limited in some cases and you can upgrade to Anthropos Premium to get unlimited usage of all our features.

Job Applications – Where can I track all the applications I’ve submitted?

Go to Job Applications – you can review and resume applications not completed yet and also track all the applications submitted.

Job Applications – How can I autofill more than 12 job applications per month?

Our Premium plan allows you to autofill unlimited job applications and generate unlimited cover letters. You can simply upgrade to Premium from here or from your Anthropos Profile.

Job Applications – Anthropos doesn’t fill a job application, what should I do?

We currently support the following ATS (Application Tracking Systems – the software companies use to receive your candidatures): BambooHR, Lever, Workday, BreezyHR, Workable, ICIMS, Greenhouse, Smartrecruiters

If you are trying to apply to a job application that doesn’t use any of these vendors, most likely we don’t support that ATS yet. Contact us at

Profile – My resume or LinkedIn import don’t work

Sometimes there are documents with a format our software can’t easily read. Please send us an email to and attach your resume or LinkedIn URL and we will import it for you in 24 hours.

Profile – What kind of data do you use for job applications?

We use everything in your profile to create the best possible answers for every job application. That’s why the more data we have the better we can understand your skills, experience and craft answers that resonate well for job applications.

Profile – How can I use Anthropos to improve my job applications?

Writing a great introduction to your profile helps our software a lot. You should add a bit of history about yourself, what you have done, the core areas of expertise you have and mention your core skills. See an example below:

Profile – How to use Skills and Projects in my profile?

We use skills and projects to understand more about your competences. In general, you should try to add at least a small set of skills for each job position you had: focus on the ones that really describe your role, and feel free to use hard and soft skills. See an example below:

EXAMPLE – use a screenshot

Profile – About me section in the profile, how can I use it?

About me is your profile description and you should use it to describe yourself in the best way possible. Imagine someone reading your profile and wanting to know more: a general intro to who you are would be a great start, with a recap of what you have done, in which industries and with what type of skills. After that you can focus on adding more information specific to your specialties. If you are in sales, for example, you will detail a bit more what you have done over the years, what you have accomplished and what makes you really valuable for a sales organization.

If there are specific achievements or skills you want to highlight this is the section to include them!

Last but not least don’t forget to include a reference to your soft skills, what you like the most in a work environment

Profile – Who can see my profile?

Only you! Your Anthropos profile is only visible to you. We are working on enabling you to share your profile with others, but you will have full control over it when that happens and we will notify you when that feature is available.

Cover letters – How are cover letters generated?

Anthropos uses AI to generate cover letters. We rely on GPT and other LLMs (Large Language Models) to elaborate cover letters that take advantage of all your data, experience, skills and details you added to the profile.

Cover letters – How can I generate and save more than 3 cover letters?

This is a limitation of our free version of Anthropos – you can upgrade to Anthropos Premium to generate and manage unlimited cover letters every month. Free users have a limit of 3 generated cover letters per month and your limit will reset automatically every month. 

Cover letters – Can I create a cover letter for a specific job?

Yes! In your Profile or from the Chrome extension menu you can generate a cover letter for a specific job application. You just need to copy and paste the URL of the job application into Anthropos.

Our technology matches the skills, requirements and details mentioned in the job application with your profile to write a cover letter that highlights your best skills for the job and gives a personal touch to it.

Anthropos Premium – How to cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription from Settings -> Manage my subscription on Stripe. Your subscription will be available until the last day of your subscription period.

Anthropos Premium – Can I get a refund for my subscription?

Yes, within 2 days from your subscription contacting us at Our free users get access to 100% of our platform, so we tend not to refund subscriptions that have been activated for more than a few days.

Privacy and data – How do you manage data and protect my privacy?

Our privacy policy is here and is managed by Anthropos Inc., the company behind

Overall, we are 100% committed to respect your privacy and don’t share data for any purpose other than improving your applications and job search process. We don’t share your personal information with any third parties that are not explicitly defined in the privacy policy. Your data is not sent to recruiters, companies or any other third party that might be interested.

Our business model for Anthropos is simple and transparent: we make money selling our enterprise software to companies and selling Anthropos Premium to our users.

Privacy and data – How can I delete my profile and personal data?

Just send us an email at from the email address you used in our platform and we will delete your data within 24 hours.

Support – Can I get help using Anthropos?

Absolutely, you can always reach out to or chat with us – tell us how we can help you while using our application. We usually reply in less than 2 hours.

Support – I’ve found a bug

Alright, that happens! Please send us an email to with a bit of context and if possible, a screenshot! Thank you!

Support – I have a feature request

We would love to hear more! Send an email to – try to tell us how you would use it and any detail that you think could help us! We will reply and keep you updated if we are building that feature or decide to add it to our roadmap.